29 September 2009

Queen Mab Poster in groups of 1-3

Queen Mab Poster in groups of 1-3
HA English 9
30 participation points 10 essay points

Read I.iv.58-100, Mercutio’s speech describing Queen Mab. Pay particular attention to the language pertaining to Queen Mab and her wagon.

Based on your reading, create or find a rendering of Queen Mab and her wagon. Present your rendering on a large poster. (5 points)

Label at least ten parts of the image with labels such as "Drawn with a team of atomies" (I.iv.63).
Use Shakespeare’s exact language from Romeo and Juliet with the act, scene, and line number as shown in the preceding sentence. (10 points)

Include on your poster a clever title, your names, your roles, and period number. Roles are the following: artist, scribe, analyst, writer (5 points) See the back of this handout for a guide to how to create titles.

Write a paragraph, that describes why Mercutio  gives his Mab speech speech. Why would he say this long, involved, and fanciful diatribe to Romeo? As always, have a clear topic sentence, at least two ideas (yellows), and plenty of examples, explanations, and excerpts (reds) for each key idea. (10 points)

Beautifully assemble the above elements onto a large, gorgeous poster with clear lettering (5 points)

Here is a sample paragraph. Colour code this paragraph. Turn this entire rubric in, taped to the back of your poster (5 Points):

Mercutio’s Mission: Curing Romeo of Romance

    In act one of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio attempts to cheer up the lovesick Romeo by describing Queen Mab, a fairy responsible for bringing dreams to people. Romeo mentions he has a dream, prompting Mercutio to playfully denounce dreams using imagery of different characters dreaming of the objects of their own desires. In other words, dreams foretell nothing: they are merely the products of desires. Mercutio explains "she gallops night by night through lovers’ brains, and then they dream of love"  (I.iv.75-79), but he goes on to say "lawyers will dream of "fee’s" because fees are a lawyer’s desire. Moreover, dreams, claim Mercutio, are more than reflections of desires; they are worthless images, self-indulgent fantasies in the dreamer’s mind. Mercutio bluntly declares that dreams are "the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy" (I.iv.104-105). Mercutio is hoping to convince Romeo of the irrelevance of Romeo’s dreams of Roseline and true love and thereby cure Romeo of his woes and sorrows.

15 September 2009

MLA Quickie Reference Guide For Quoti...

MLA Quickie Reference Guide For Quoting and Citing Sources

Revised 2009

If you use a piece of information or an idea that came from someone else— from a website, a book, a friend, a family member, an interview—you must name the source of your information. This is known as citing your sources. You must cite your sources in a very certain and specific way. Doing so is known as citing your sources using MLA formatting.

Quoting an author’s exact words in your paper:

Use as few of the author’s most important word and gracefully slip them into your own sentences. This is know as gracefully integrating the author’s words into your own writing:

Edith Hamilton, author of Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, notes that Greek mythology marked the end of the “terrifying irrational” concept of gods, and in fact, the Greeks “transformed a world full of terror into a world full of beauty” (18).

Changing the words in your quotes:

If you have to change any of the words of the quote to maintain logic or to keep the text in the present tense, use brackets [ ] to note the change; do not use parentheses ( ) because they have a different function in sentences:

Siddhartha tells his father that he would “rather die than obey [his] father” (12). (original text is “obey my father”)

Siddhartha “[gives] his clothes to a poor Brahmin on the road” (13). (original text is “Siddhartha gave his clothes…”)

You must cite when you paraphrase

Paraphrasing is summarizing an author’s words in your paper, putting the author’s words into your own words:

Greek mythology was the first mythology to have human-like gods. The Greeks could personally relate to their gods, and their gods were accessible to everyone. Furthermore, the actions and concerns of the gods were often similar to the actions and concerns of the people who worshipped them (Hamilton 16-20).

Notice that you never write (page 5) or (p.5). Simply write (author’s name 5) or simply (5).

Introducing the source:

The first time you cite a source, make sure you introduce the entire source, the medium as well as the author, as shown below:

In his online article, “The Greek Way,” Charles Atkins asserts that….

The website, Roman Heroes acknowledges…

The article, “Greek and Roman Mythology” in the World Book Encyclopedia mentions.

Properly cite your sources:

The first time a source is cited. introduce the author’s name, the text name or website, and the article name if necessary. After the quotation or paraphrase, place the page number in parenthesis if the quote is from a book or magazine. If it is from a non-paginated website, you need not have any parenthesis after the quote.

According to Ingri A’Aulaire in his text, Book of Greek Myths, for the Greeks, creation begins with love and the need for companionship. After Gaea, the Earth, emerges from the formless darkness, she is “young and lonesome, for nothing lived on her yet.” As if in answer to her yearnings, Uranus, the sky, looms above her, and they are “joined in love” (2). The fruits of that love are the mighty Titans, the first generation of Greek gods.

In a later paragraph, if you use the same source, you need not introduce the book, website, or article, but include the author’s name in parenthesis, if the book or essay has an author. If there is no author, put the first word of the works cited entry in the parenthesis:

…Rhea, who has given birth to Zeus and is tired of her husband’s insatiable appetite for their children, asks her mother, “Mother Earth, to help her save the child from his father” (A’Aulaire 4).

Signal phrases

Students often use the same “signal” phrases and verbs to introduce quotes, such as “Edith Hamilton says…..” or “Edith Hamilton writes….” But you can and should use a wide variety of verbs and phrases:

In the words of Edith Hamilton,…

As Edith Hamilton has noted,…

Edith Hamilton, author of Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, believes,…

Here are some other signal phrases


























points out








Finally, commas and periods go AFTER the page number that is in parentheses. If you think about it, the page number logically goes in the sentence or with the part of the sentence where the quote is, not hanging out in limbo between sentences or with other unrelated parts of the sentence. Since the page citation refers to the quoted text, the page citation goes in the same sentence as the quoted text!

At the end of your paper, you must have a Works Cited and a Bibliography. What is the difference between the two?

1. All literally quoted or paraphrased sources that are used in your essay or research paper are listed on a WORKS CITED list. This list is provided at the end of your paper.

2. All sources that you research but do not literally quote or paraphrase in your essay or research paper are listed on a BIBLIOGRAPHY list. This list is also provided at the end of your paper.

3. The two different lists inform readers exactly how you use or became more knowledgeable from the information that you researched. Therefore, the two lists never reference the same sources.

4. For both the WORKS CITED and the BIBLIOGRAPHY, the following rules apply:

∑ List all sources in alphabetical order

∑ Do not use bullets, numbers, or other formatting; just list in alphabetical order

∑ All lines after the first line of an entry are indented. Use the bottom arrow tab and the shift key in your ruler at the top of the page in Word.

∑ Italicize all titles of movies, books, or plays

∑ Use quote marks for essays, poems, & other minor works

∑ If the two lists can fit on one page, by all means put them on one page.

∑ Everything in your Works Cited and Bibliography is double spaced. There are no extra spaces. Everything including the words Works Cited and Bibliography is in size 12 font, no bold or large font.

A HELPFUL NOTE: Use your computer to make your Works Cited and Bibliography at my favourite Works Cited site:


Here is a sample of what a WORKS CITED and BIBLIOGRAPHY might look like (Except it should be double spaced):

Works Cited

O,Brother, Where Art Thou? Dirs. Coen, Ethan and Joel Coen. Perf. George Clooney, John Turturro,
Tim Blake Nelson, John Goodman, Holly Hunter, and Chris Thomas King. Touchstone
Pictures, 2000.
Paulsen, Gary. The Island. NH: Dell Publishers, 1988.
“Selected Seventeenth-Century Events.” Romantic Chronology. Ed. Laura Mandell and Alan Liu.
October 2001. University of California, Santa Barbara. 22 November 2003.http://humanties.
Small, Jr., Robert C. “The Literary Value of the Young Adult Novel.” Journal of Youth Services in
Libraries, Spring 1992: 227-285.


Delahunty, Andrew, Sheila Dignen, and Penny Stock. The Oxford Dictionary of Allusions. New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Hamilton, Edith. Foreword. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. By Hamilton. New
York, NY: Warner Books, 1942.
Romance Languages and Literatures Home Page. 1 Jan 2003. Dept. of Romance Languages and
Literatures, University of Chicago Press. 8 July 2003. http://humanities.uchicago.edu/

14 September 2009

teacher essay

HA English 9
My Teachers: A First Person Essay

As a class, we have read Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare in which we have seen how Juliet and Romeo both appear to lack adult figures to guide them through their lives. Perhaps due to this lack of wise “teachers,” Romeo and Juliet are doomed to an early death. While teachers do not necessarily have such vital roles in most students’ lives, teachers do provide an essential contribution to the mental, physical, and sometimes emotional and spiritual life of a young, maturing child.  Now you will write your own first person narrative account of the most life-changing teachers in your life. This essay is a portfolio essay fulfilling your first person narrative essay requirement. The portfolio is a graduation requirement.

Your essay will have a minimum of five paragraphs discussing teachers you have had. Your opening paragraph will provide a brief introduction and a thesis statement. Your thesis (green) will provide a strong but general statement about your three teachers. You will have a plan (green) in which you briefly outline the three qualities of your teacher that you will discuss in your body paragraphs. Your three body paragraphs will each describe three distinct points about your teachers, and your closing will restate your key points and leave the reader with a sense of closure or with an insight to ponder.

GREENS: Types of thesis statements and plans:
A power statement:
° I am happy to say that I had three unique teachers each of whom has changed the course of my life forever by teaching me self-control, self- confidence, and patience.
° My teachers have taught me three important precepts that will forever influence how I think and feel. My third grade teacher, my Spanish teacher, and my minister have all changed my life forever.
A FAN BOYS thesis statement
° Some people say that dedicated, creative, and rigorous teachers are few, but I have been lucky enough to experience three rigourous and inspiring teachers who have changed my life. I learned artistry and self-control from Ms. Umbrage, Mr. Snape, and Ms. McGonaggle.
° Many people have been lucky enough to have had inspiring teachers in school, but my most influential teachers have been members of my own family: my mother, my uncle, and my sister.
° I have had wise and caring teachers in my life, so I have learned self-control, self- confidence, and patience.
The Three Body Paragraphs:
You will have at least one paragraph devoted to each teacher. Do not forget, each paragraph must relate back to and support your thesis. YELLOWS: Furthermore, each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that makes a unique point about each teacher. It is not enough to say, “The second great teacher I had was Mr. Moomoo.” Rather, say something akin to “Mr. Moomoo taught me to stop whining and get to work.”

REDS CREATIVITY ALERT!!!! Essays can be creative!!!! Newsflash!!! The creativity is in your reds. When you describe your teacher and your experiences with your teacher. Go back to being with that teacher in your mind. Replay the scene. How did you feel? What went through your mind? How did you change? Describe, show DON”T TELL, use visual imagery. Take me into the scenes with your teacher that SHOW me why this teacher changed your life.

The Closing Paragraph:
The closing paragraph briefly restates the thesis and the key ideas and leaves the reader with a sense of closure and, perhaps, some insight.

Sometimes teachers are not necessarily positive or loving influences. Since it is possible to learn difficult, but crucial, life lessons from negative experiences and people, these kinds of “anti-teachers” may be discussed in your essay.

Inanimate phenomena can teach and inform. In the past students have discussed how nature, the ocean, certain books, Buddhism, or Christianity have been their teachers.

Turn this rubric in with your paper for three (3) points
How to get an A on your 45-point paper:

5 points -_______ format: correct typed heading, font size and type, margins, your last name and page number typed on the right hand corner of every page.
10 points_______ Opening paragraph has a brief opening (blue) and a clear thesis statement, including a plan, (green) introducing the three teachers or three concepts taught by your teachers.
15 points _______ Body paragraphs each have a topic sentence (yellows) stating a distinct and unique attribute of your teacher and/or what he taught you. Each paragraph has plenty of evidence, examples, and/or explanations (reds) proving your topic sentences. Your reds SHOW. They don’t TELL.
5 points _______The closing restates thesis and topics and leaves the reader with closure. Do not introduce a new thought in your closing; instead, deepen or expand on previously mentioned ideas to leave the reader thinking.
5 points _______Common mechanical errors will lose you one point a piece up to five points. You will lose one point for every CFB, CIE, VPR, Avoid SW and LWC, such as: “He was a great teacher who taught me many things.”  1PV is OK in a first person narrative such as this assignment, but avoid 2PV like the plague.

11 September 2009

Tasty Teacher paragraph

Tasty Teacher paragraph
HA English 9

_____You will write a tasty paragraph about teachers you have had.

_____You must have a topic sentence that introduces your teachers and a conclusion that restates your topic in a different way, leaving the reader with something to think about. Your topic sentence is a power statement, a conditional hypothesis, or a compound sentence

_____You must have at least three yellows (RDFs) with at least one red (Es) for every yellow.

_____Your reds must be specific. Do not use superlative words (SWs) or generic phrasings (WCLs) to describe your teacher.
_____ Avoid commas errors, such as CFB, CS, RO.

04 September 2009

sonnet rubric

HA English 9

Name_________________ date________________ period____________

Write a sonnet. It must have:

_________ The proper rhyme scheme
_________ Iambic pentameter
_________ Three quatrains
_________A couplet
_________ Be properly typed and formatted
_________ Make sense
_________ Amuse me (extra credit)

01 September 2009

Romeo and Juliet Reading Questions

Romeo and Juliet Reading Questions


La Conquistadora OReilly

HA Intensive English 9

Act 1—The Prologue

1. Act 1 begins with a __________________ in the form of a _________________.

2. What is a sonnet? (See Glossary of Literary Terms on page 1216)

3. What do we learn from the prologue? Name five facts

Act 1.i

1. With which two characters does the play begin. What are their names and who are they?

2. Sampson and Gregory make many puns which connect love and sex with_________________ and ____________________.

3. The scene begins with humour, but it rapidly becomes violent when _____________ and ________________ from the house of ______________ enter the scene. . How does that violence juxtaposed with humour connects with the themes already established in the prologue and in Sampson’s and Gregory’s jesting?

4. Why might Shakespeare have depicted these humble characters engaged in a fight on behalf of their noble masters?

5. What is a foil? (See Glossary of Literary Terms on page 1216)

6. Benvolio’s foil is __________________.

7. Benvolio’s name means_____________________.

8. What do we learn about Capulet’s personality in this first scene of the play?

9. What do we learn about Capulet’s relationship with his wife?

10. After the fray Lady ___________ talks to _______________ about ____________________.

11. We learn that Romeo only comes out at __________________.

12. Benvolio, while questioning Romeo expresses an oxymoronic view of love. What is an oxymoron? (See Glossary of Literary Terms on page 1216

13. Write down Benvolio’s or Romeo’s line that depicts love as oxymoronic.

14. What do we learn about Romeo’s personality in his first scene with Benvolio?

15. Why are the opening lines of 1.ii ironic?

16.  In Paris’s discussion with Capulet regarding Paris's marriage to Juliet, Capulet changes his mind, how so?

What does that tell us about Capulet?

17. How does Capulet know that marrying young mars young girls?

18. How does Romeo find out about Capulet’s party, and what does that tell us about Capulet’s judgment?

19. Describe the personality of the nurse? Who would be her foil in this first scene?

20. What does Romeo feel as he enters the Capulet’s party and how does this contribute to a theme in the play?

21. What poetic form does Romeo and Juliet’s first conversation take? Why?

22. Immediately after meeting, Romeo and Juliet learn that their families are enemies. How does this reinforce a theme in the play?

Act 11

1. Act 2 begins with another prologue sonnet. Write down three traits of a sonnet.

2.What does this line mean? "But passion lends them power. Time means, to meet/Temp’ring extremities with extreme sweet.

3.  Mercutio teases Romeo by discussing Rosalind’s quivering thighs. What other character in the play resembles Mercutio in terms of salacious, sexual diction and outlook? Name the character and name an example of his/her bawdy language.

4. What is a soliloquy?

5. In Romeo’s soliloquy, Romeo describes Juliet as like the sun. How does this fit with other images and themes in the play?

6. When Romeo says that Juliet, like the sun, will "kill the envious moon," how does this symbolize Romeo’s changing state of mind?

7. In Juliet’s soliloquy, she ponders the meaning of a name. Write down the famous line where she does so.

8. What do we learn about the power and meaning of words and names in her soliloquy at the beginning of Act 2?


10. When Juliet discovers Romeo has overheard her soliloquy confessing her love and desire for Romeo, she is afraid that he will think she is….

11. Answer all three of the following: Who interrupts Romeo and Juliet as they proclaim their love for each other on the balcony? When has this happened before? Why might Shakespeare be repeatedly having this type of interruption occur?

12. In the friar’s soliloquy at the beginning of 111.iii, what does he say about plants and people and how does what he says fit with themes in the play?

13. What does this line mean and who said it: "Women may fall when there’s no strength in men."  How is this view different from conventional wisdom?

14. When the friar says: "Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast," How does this echo other references to time in the play?

15. Why does the friar agree to help Romeo? Why, in your opinion, does the nurse agree to help Juliet?

16. In 11.iv, we see a different side to Romeo as he puns with Mercutio. What is this side to him that we see? Why is Romeo so changed?

17.  Write down the literary allusion in Juliet’s soliloquy at the beginning of 11.v. Why is it there? What does it emphasize?

18.  Why do you think the Nurse delays in giving Juliet the news from Romeo?

19. In 11.vi, write down the Friar’s lines that emphasize the danger of moving quickly in love. These lines are examples of _________________.

20.  Describe how Juliet’s description of her love for Romeo reveals greater depth of character than Romeo’s diction.


1. Why are Mercutio’s descriptions of Benvolio ironic?

2. What is the play on words that Mercutio makes with the word "consort"?

4. _________________ wishes to withdraw from the public haunt of men, but __________________ will not budge.

5. Act III is the climax of the play. What is a climax? (See Glossary page 1216).

6. Romeo and Juliet’s chances for happiness rapidly decrease and the mood changes in the play after _______________________ is killed by _______________________.

7. Who says a "plague o’ both your houses" ( I.1, 114), and what does that line mean?

8. Act III.ii begins with a kind of speech known as a ___________________.

9, Define soliloquy (see Glossary page 1216).

10. Write down 10 examples of Juliet using images of darkness or night in her opening speech in Act III.ii.

11. Which character in the play has always been associated with night?

12. Define literary allusion (see Glossary page 1216).

13. What is the literary allusion in Juliet’s soliloquy? What does the allusion emphasize?

14. When Juliet finds out about Tybalt’s murder by Romeo, she expresses her feelings with what kind of literary device? Name the device, write down an example, and briefly state how the device expresses her feelings.

15.  By the end of the play what three actions has Juliet decided to take, and what does her change of heart tell you about her character?

16. Contrast Romeo’s behaviour in III.iii with Juliet’s in the preceding scene.

17. What is the friar’s advice to Romeo?

18. What, in brief is the friar’s plan?

19. What do the opening lines of III.iv tell you about Capulet’s character?

20. Define dramatic irony (see Glossary page 1216).

21. How is III.iv an ironic scene?

22. In the opening of III.v in what kind of language do Romeo and Juliet speak? What does their language tell you about their relationship?.

23. Who interrupts Romeo and Juliet’s love scene?

24. "More light and light—more dark and dark our woes." What does this mean and how does this language reinforce themes in the play?

25. What do Lady Capulet and Lord Capulet demand of Juliet after her love scene with Romeo?

25. Why might Shakespeare have placed the love scene and the violent parent/child conflict next to each other?

26. What is Juliet’s attitude toward the nurse and the end of III and what does her attitude symbolize?

Act IV

1. What does Juliet mean when she says her face is not her own?

2. Juliet says that if the Friar can not help her solve her problem, she will ________________________.

3. Briefly, outline the Friar’s plan for Juliet.

4. At the beginning of IV.ii, Capulet is cheerful and preparing for the wedding. Juliet arrives and acts obedient and willing to marry Paris. What kind of irony is this and why?

5. IV.iii begins with a _______________________. In it, Juliet has a premonition when she says goodbye to the nurse. What is it?

6. What are Juliet’s fears about the friar that she expresses in her soliloquy?

7. Why does Juliet fear she may go mad when she awakens?

8. In IV.iv, we learn that Capulet was a playboy in his youth. What is the Shakespearean term for a playboy?

9. Why is this entire scene ironic? What kind of irony is present in this scene?

10. When Capulet discovers that is daughter is dead, he cries that she has ________________ Death. How does this reflect themes in the play?

11. After everyone laments Juliet’s death, the friar chides the family. Why?

12. Capulet decides that they will take all the party food and decorations and use them for a ________________.

Act V

1. V.i begins with a ___________________ by Romeo. In it, he recounts that he dreams that he has ___________________ and Juliet ___________________ him, bringing him back to ___________________.

27. Balthasar’s news to Romeo is True? Or False?

28. Have we seen other examples of messages going awry in this play? When?

29. After Balthasar leaves, Romeo speaks another soliloquy. What does he mean by" mischief thou art swift/To enter into men’s thoughts"? And where have we seen references to time before in the play?

30. What is the "mischief" that Romeo is considering?

31. The friar exclaims "Unhappy fortune!" when he finds that Romeo has missed the message that Juliet is alive. Where have we seen references to unlucky fortune before in the play?

32. Both ___________________ and ___________________ arrive at Juliet’s tomb. This is another example of  ill ___________________.

33. After Paris’s death, Romeo states in a soliloquy that Paris and he are alike because both their names are written in "sour ___________________  ___________________." This is another reference to the ill ___________________ in the book.

34. Later in the same soliloquy, Romeo attempts to undo the ill fortune in his life by ___________________ and shaking off the "yoke of inauspicious stars."

10. The friar enters the tomb to be with ___________________ as she awakens. What does he do when he fears the watch is coming? ______________________________________How does he propose that Juliet solve her current problem?

35. How does the Prince establish how Romeo, Juliet, and Paris die?

12. At the end of the play, how many people have died? Who are they?
