Extra Credit Assignments

HA English/Social Studies 9
San Francisco Field Trip Assignment:
As you frolic through the museums and attractions of San Francisco, carry a notepad and complete the following assignment:
• Find five pieces of artwork that appeal to you and connect to something you have learned in either social studies or English this year.
• Take copious notes describing each work of art.
• Cite the artist, title, medium, date of the piece’s production, the museum in which you found it, and the artwork’s connection to your social studies or English class.
• After your return, write a paragraph, not a tasty paragraph, on each piece of artwork that includes the information in your notes. Please use the usual and required formatting

• Turn-in to Mrs. OReilly by the Friday following the field trip.

• Those who do not go on the field trip, please Google and find five examples of African, Indian, or Asian art, and write five paragraphs with the information above. Please print out copies of the art with your responses.

Movie/Play/Whatever Generic Extra Credit Assignment

Write a tasty paragraph

5_______Your topic sentence states whether or not the play/film was entertaining or effective in getting its points or themes across. Your topic sentence should state the name of the play/movie/whatever.

15_______Three reasons (yellows) stating specifically how the play was or was not effective or entertaining.

15_______At least two specific, vivid, descriptive examples (reds) per each yellow explaining why the play/film was or was not effective or entertaining. Describe sets, direction, acting, costumes, or plot. Explain why you feel the way you do.

5_______Conclude. Restate your main idea and provide closure.

As always, properly format, color code, avoid errors in punctuation and grammar; use LP for movies, but not plays; and turn in with this rubric stapled to the top

Oh, Brother Where Art Thou? Extra Credit Assignment

Oh Brother Where Art Thou? EC

HA English 9

10 extra credit participation points

Using your knowledge of the attributes of a Greek classic hero, write a tasty paragraph with a topic and conclusion, three key ideas, and plenty of examples.

Defend or refute the following statement:

The lead character in Oh, Brother Where Art Thou?, Ulysses McGill, is a classic hero.

2 points: Typed with the usual and required formatting. Color Code.
3 points: You have three key ideas showing how the character is or is not a classic hero. The traits you mention are traits of a hero as discussed in class and as listed on your hero chart.
3 points: you have plenty of specific examples for every key idea
2 points: Style and mechanics
