26 October 2009

Expand your hero paragraph to essay

Expand your hero paragraph to essay
HA English 9

Using your hero paragraph you will write a hero essay

Create your opening paragraph

Add one to two sentences of background (Blues) to the top of your essay in the opening paragraph. Avoid obvious statements such as Everyone has heroes in his life. Heroes are everywhere, but one person really stands out to me as a hero. Provide true background. The classic hero possessed a host of powerful attributes that allowed him to achieve more than the average mortal. Add no more than one or two backgound sentences.

Following your background, in the opening paragraph, your paragraph topic becomes your thesis; just add a plan (both green)
Keep your topic sentence from your paragraph the same, or alter it slightly if you wish. This topic becomes your essay thesis. Then add a plan after the thesis. Your plan will briefly outline the topics in your body paragraphs: Your plan can be part of your thesis or added on as one separate sentence.

Example: My grandfather embodied aspects of classical heroism: bravery, wisdom, and pathos.

My grandfather was a powerful example of a classical hero. His life embodied the heroic traits of bravery, wisdom, and pathos. In both thesis/plans, you can see that the body paragraphs will be about bravery, wisdom, and pathos.
Create your three body paragraphs

Use your three key ideas (yellows) from your paragraph to be the topic sentences for your three body paragraphs.
Keep your examples (reds) for the reds in your body paragraphs and add at least two more per paragraph to flesh out your body paragraphs.
Create your conclusion paragraph

Use your conclusion sentence from your paragraph for your essay concluding paragraph and add at least one sentence to provide closure and give your reader something to think about.

Specific Examples (reds) for the key idea (yellow) My grandfather was brave:

This is not a specific example:
My grandfather always had a lot of courage. He was not afraid to face anything. He was never afraid to do what he had to do.

This is specific:
My grandfather left his comfortable life in England and crossed the Atlantic to seek a better life. Along the way, his ship nearly sank in a terrible storm, but he never considered turning back. When he arrived, he was penniless and unemployed, but he never complained and bravely went out everyday looking for work.

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